Drug Cases
Hampton VA
Drugs are not just harmful to your health, but they can also put you in trouble. You can be caught if you have possession of drugs or even if the authorities think you distribute them. No matter what the case is, you can face serious charges if you are charged with any of these.
In some cases, if your family member, who lives in the same house as you, is arrested and charged because of a crime related to drugs, then you are highly likely to get arrested as well in case it is proven that the property has been used to sell or distribute drugs.
Hiring a drug attorney
Most people who are arrested or charged in drug cases are unaware of their rights. The drug attorneys Hampton, VA at Law Office Of Carter Phillips are there for you in such times. If you or anyone you’re your family is arrested or charged in a drug case, then reach out to us. We will try our best to take you out of the case. Our drug attorneys are experienced and knowledgeable, and they will guide you regarding your rights that will help you better understand your case and fight for your rights.